The Unconventional Low-Carb Routine Fueling Dua Lipa’s Intense Dance Workouts

by - May 22, 2024

 One of the most common pieces of advice for individuals involved in intense exercise is to consume a diet high in carbohydrates to provide necessary fuel. However, recent insights into pop superstar Dua Lipa’s rigorous diet, aimed at supporting her demanding dance routines while on tour, challenges this notion. In a recent interview on a British podcast, Dua Lipa revealed that her diet primarily consists of lean proteins like steak and vegetables, with a focus on nutrition to support her performances.

Instead of relying on carbohydrates like bread and pasta for energy, Dua Lipa’s diet includes protein-rich breakfasts with eggs and fruits, and her go-to post-cardio snack is a banana with cashew butter. This approach has reportedly given her the stamina needed to sustain her energy levels during intense physical activities on stage.

While carbohydrates are traditionally considered a primary source of energy for workouts, providing quick bursts of energy during high-intensity exercises, some experts suggest that a high-protein diet can also support athletic performance. Carb-loading before a workout may not always be necessary, as carbs can lead to fluctuations in blood sugar levels. Protein, on the other hand, can help stabilize blood sugar levels and support tissue maintenance and repair.

Taylor Thomas, a coach specializing in endurance training, emphasizes that while carbs are often seen as essential for sustained energy during exercise, protein plays a crucial role in repairing and replenishing the body after training sessions. Protein is broken down into amino acids, which are vital for tissue repair and can even be converted into glucose for energy in the absence of carbohydrates.

Dua Lipa is shown performing in Denmark in 2022, while she was in the midst of her Future Nostalgia tour

Dua Lipa was captured putting on a show in Denmark in 2022 during her electrifying Future Nostalgia tour.

On top of maintaining a strict low-carb diet, Dua Lipa enjoys high intensity interval training and yoga

In addition to sticking to a disciplined low-carb eating plan, Dua Lipa also loves doing high intensity interval training and practicing yoga for her fitness routine.

Dua Lipa is pictured at the 2019 Brit Awards

Dua Lipa made an appearance at the 2019 Brit Awards. When preparing for strenuous physical activity, trainers suggest consuming 15 to 20 grams of protein beforehand. This protein intake before a workout or performance can protect muscle fibers from breaking down and maintain energy levels. It’s also important to include some carbs in your pre-exercise meal.

Fitness expert Taylor Thomas emphasizes the significance of carbohydrates as the body’s main fuel source. Carbs produce glycogen, which supplies energy during extended physical activity. While incorporating some protein during exercise can be beneficial, keeping glycogen levels high is crucial.

Research published in the Journal of Applied Physiology reveals the advantages of consuming a carb-rich drink before cycling. Cyclists who drank the carb-rich beverage were able to exercise for longer periods compared to those who did not. Another study with cyclists showed that those who consumed a carb-rich drink had more muscle fuel after a lengthy workout, helping them maintain performance for an extended period before feeling fatigued.

To prepare for exercise, experts recommend consuming one to two grams of carbohydrates per kilogram of body weight one to two hours beforehand. For example, a person weighing 150 pounds would need at least 68 grams of carbohydrates before a workout.

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